Monday, May 21, 2012

Chiffon Cake Durian

Ccd ini sy buat dlm rangka nyobain oven yg sdh setaon lebih di anggurin,tadinya mo nyoba bikin yg Banana chiffon cake.

Eh ngeliat ada 1 box durian nyelip di frezz.Akhirnya putar haluan dech bkn yg rasa durian.Resep aselinya jg dari Banana yg di ganti durian..resep aselinya disini Banana Chiffon cake.
Hanya sy tambah putelnya jadi 8 butir(M size sy punya)disini sy mengunaka 2x resep ya.jadi /resep mengunakan 4 putel.
Pengadukan yg sy lakukan 1 atau 2 sendok pertama seperti Cristine selanjutnya  adonan kuning telur sy masukan ke dlm adonan putel sedikit sedikit.Ctt atau cream of tartar sy tdk gunakan.hanya putel dan gula halus
Yang lainnya tdk sy tambah tdk sy kurangi.Kata anak anak kurang manis.tapi sy dan hubby sdh pas banget manisnya.
Oh ya pengovenan yg sy lakukan 150 dc.selama 25 menit (tergantung oven masing masing ya..kebetulan oven sy termasuk expres ).

Disini sy menggunakan Cetakan Chiffon cake kertas.
Nah belajar dr pengalaman kemaren,karena kebetulan sy membuat 2 buah chiffon cake(tadinya untuk sy kasih ibu mertua).Tapi tiba tiba temennya si kecil datang,eh doi ngerengek minta chiffon yg masih panas di potong.Duuh gimana nih????binun mode on dech.
Tapi sy turuti coba me buka pelan pelan dan hati hati..hasilnya smua kulit chiffon menempel dgn sukses..
Sayang sy lupa jepret,Jadi jangan coba coba memaksa cake chiffon panas untuk di hidangkan..Rasanya pun akan tdk karuan.Ketika panas panas sy coba icip..rasanya sangat hambar.
Karena masih ada satu chiffon yg blm sy lepas dr biarkan yg atu ini betul betul adem..Saya perhatikan adonan chiffon yg melekat dgn sendirinya terlepas pelan pelan.
Baru dech buka smua kertas yg melekat tapi hati hati ya..karena teksture cake ini yg lembut.Pada bagian bwh cake cara melepasnya sm seperti melepas cake pd cetakan biasa.
Pokoknya cetakan apapun itu kudu hati hati aja ya ngelepasnya..selamat mencoba ..

Saya copas ya resep aselinya
Banana Chiffon Cake (Printable recipe)
Prepare a 8inch (20cm) round cake mould, removable base preferred
Ingredients of batter:
80 gm cake flour
3 egg yolks
14 gm caster sugar
35 gm vegetable oil
45 gm milk
1/8 tsp salt
2 ripe bananas, about 240 gm

Ingredients of egg whites:
4 egg whites
40 gm caster sugar
1/2 tsp cream of tartar (ngak pake)


Preheat oven to 165C (330F). Use a small food processor to process the bananas into paste. Set aside.

Mix the egg yolks with 14 grams of sugar until smooth. Add oil, milk and mashed bananas. Combine very well. Sift in cake flour, incorporate all ingredients well until you get a smooth batter.

Use an electric mixer to beat egg whites first for a while until bubbles form. Add cream of tartar. Add one third of the 40 grams of sugar at a time. Combine well between the adds, until stiff peaks form. (Please refer to this video, showing how to beat egg whites, that I uploaded on youtube.)

Fold in the egg whites into the batter. Add one third of egg whites at a time in order to easily incorporate the egg whites (Also, here’s a video of showing how to fold-in the egg whites).

Transfer the batter into the cake mould that shouldn’t be non-stick or greased. (The mould you use is very important to get the best result. It helps the cake avoid from shrinking too much after removing from the oven, once the temperature drops.) Pop in the preheated oven and bake for 55 to 60 minutes. Test it by an inserted needle coming out clean. Remove from oven and immediately revert the cake mould upside down on a wire rack. Let it cool completely. Carefully remove from the cake mould. Enjoy

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